This week's blog is going to focus on the dos and don’ts for your CV.
First and foremost a good CV should be clear and easy to read, utilising bold underlined headings for each section of your CV. Your CV should be no longer than three pages long.
Make sure you stand out from the crowd and try to show your personality in your CV. You can do this by including a photo of yourself, creating a CV template that uses different colours or CV layout.
The Basics
Include your full name, location and contact details. You do not need to include your full address, the name of the town where you live is plenty.
Personal Profile
Personal profile should include a summary about you, your skills and what role you are looking for in your next role. Include details of your reason for looking i.e. relocation or redundancy. I would recommend no longer than one paragraph.
Work History
Your work history should detail your most recent/current role first, working back to your first role. Include the employer name, the job title you had, the dates you worked in that role and a note if it was a temporary/contract role. Each role should have a short summary of your responsibilities, ideally bullet points and go into more detail on permanent roles.
It is important to make sure the dates on your CV are correct and that any gaps in your work history are accounted for.Avoid using business or company related jargon in your bullet points.
Your education should detail your most recent education, working back to your first education. For example, information regarding a Degree, A Levels and then GCSEs.
Other things to consider putting on your CV are your salary expectations, whether you drive or not and if you have a specific skill set i.e. computer programs.
If you would like more support on improving your CV, please don't hesitate to contact me.
All the best in your job search,